​​​​​​​​​​​​​Brewing with​ CO​Series​


Brewers stand united amidst myriad challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. This three-part webinar series is an in-depth discussion of brewing CO2 and the current shortage affecting the industry.

Registration is free for members and nonmembers! ​

  • Brewing CO2 — a 'Supercritical' Ingredient, Utility, and Byproduct aired December 3, 2020
  • Brewing CO2 — CO2 Safety, Monitoring & Production Best Practices (Broadcast D​ate: February 23, 2021)​​
  • Brewing CO2 — Supply Chains and Sensory/Quality (Broadcast Date: March 2, 2021)
  • ​Brewing CO2 — Conservation and New Technologies (Broadcast Date: March 9, 2021)

This web event is a collaborative effort by three major brewing organizations including the Master Brewers Association of the Americas​, ​American Society of Brewing Chemists, and Brewers Association. A more in-depth seminar covering specific CO2 related issues will be offered as a companion event in early 2021.​​

Questions? Contact Bryan Mowry at MB​​AA

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