Martin Biendl (1); (1) Hopsteiner HHV GmbH, Mainburg, Germany
EBC Symposium
Monday, August 15 • 8:15 – 9:30 a.m.
Plaza Buiding, Concourse Level, Governor's Square 14
For many years, analysis of the most important constituents of hops
and hop products has been based on international methods recommended by
ASBC, BCOJ, and EBC. The driving force behind such a harmonization is
the worldwide hop trade, so that hop suppliers, breweries and brewing
institutes can rely on globally accepted analytical procedures. In
addition, consistent calibration standards are necessary to guarantee
reliable and reproducible results. For that purpose, already in 1994,
the Joint EBC/ASBC Hop Standard Subcommittee was founded, followed in
1998 by the International Subcommittee for Isomerized Hop Alpha-Acids
with members from ASBC, BCOJ, IoB and EBC. Today both are combined in
the International Hop Standards Committee (EBC/ASBC/BCOJ), which has the
ongoing task to release suitable calibration standards for the various
HPLC methods used to analyze bitter acids relevant for hop quality and
beer taste. In the past, alpha-acids, beta-acids, iso-alpha-acids and
all kinds of their hydrogenated derivatives (rho-, tetrahydro-, and
hexahydro-iso-alpha-acids) needed to be covered. However, with the
growing importance of dry-hopped beers, some additional hop bitter
components like humulinones and hulupones have to be considered today.
Preparation methods for according chemically stable calibration
standards were already developed and published by individual committee
members, so their release can be expected in due course. Another
challenge now is to enlarge the scope of existing methods for beer
analysis in order to include such co-bittering substances as well. As
result of recent investigations, the method Analytica-EBC 9.47,
currently only recommended for the determination of iso-alpha-acids and
their reduced forms, can be applied to a broader range of bitter acids
present in dry-hopped beers. Besides the different spectrum of bitter
components, this type of beer is mainly characterized by a large
diversity of hop-derived volatile substances, including aroma-active
terpenes, terpene alcohols, esters or thiols. To analyze such a
multiplicity of compounds only present in the ppt to ppb range,
sophisticated methods based on gas chromatography in combination with
mass spectroscopy detection are essential. Prior to the actual
measurement, beer sample preparation can be automated using techniques
like purge-and-trap, headspace-trap, solid-phase micro-extraction or
stir-bar sorptive extraction. Such techniques still need validation in
collaborative trials. As long as there is no harmonized method, only the
addition of labeled derivatives of the target molecules can be
recommended in order to achieve reliable results.
Martin Biendl received a Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry from
Regensburg University in 1990. He is head of the R&D/Analytical
Department at the German branch of the Hopsteiner Group, one of the
largest international hop-growing, -trading and -processing firms. His
research experience is in the field of hop-related needs for the brewing
industry and beyond. He is the representative of the International Hop
Industry Cooperation in the EBC Analysis Committee and, since 2001,
chair of the Hops Subcommittee. As EBC representative he is also
co-chair of the International Hop Standards Committee.