Page Content This is your opportunity as a member of Master Brewers to nominate a colleague or indicate your own interest in service to Master Brewers as 2nd Vice President on the Master Brewers Executive Committee.
The position of 2nd Vice President is a 4-year rotational term, moving up to 1st Vice President in year two, President in year three, and Immediate Past President in year four. Officer descriptions and general responsibilities are available in the Bylaws (Article VI section 7) and Manual of Operations (section I.B.3). The Nominating Committee has identified a number of desired attributes that will be part of the selection process for new Executive Committee members. Nominees are to review the Master Brewers Vision and Strategic Goals and consider the following candidate qualification targets prior to submitting your nomination.
Nominations for 2025 are closed. A slate of officers will be presented to the Board of Governors in May with final approval being done in September 2025. Officer installation will take place fall 2025.
Candidate Qualification Targets
Ability to Inspire and Empower
- The ability to think strategically and analytically, and to effectively communicate thoughts and the reasons for them.
- Passion and drive for the Organization
Advocate and Grow Organization- Demonstrated ability of new and innovative programs within their sphere of influence. Examples include but are not limited to incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk taking, and an entrepreneur spirit.
Cultivate Partnerships and Teamwork- Possession of earned respect of other key stakeholder group members.
- The ability to work well with others as a member of a collaborative group with group decision-making authority and an understanding of the fiduciary duties of loyalty, care, and obedience.
- Earned reputation for emotional maturity, personal integrity, and honesty.
Diversity and Balance - Master Brewers unique strength is imbedded in our vision – United We Brew. For that reason, and at this moment in our industry’s evolution, Master Brewers states its commitment to diversity of thought, practice, and individuals while cherishing the element that unifies us – the vocation of brewing great beers and putting them safely in the hands of eager customers.
Strategic Thinking- Demonstrated understanding of the differences between “oversight” and “supervision”.
- A demonstrated familiarity with the body of knowledge related to both the process for which the group is responsible as well as the substantive content of the subject area within which decisions and choices will have to be made.