​​​​Be Included in the Technical Qua​rterly Focus Issue on Climate Change and Sustainability​

Focus Issue Editors: Roger Barth, West Chester University; Vilija Bizinkauskas, Break Rock Brewing Co.; Mike Brennan

Editor-in-Chief: John Palmer


Climate change and sustainability efforts are increasingly hitting us in the ingredient supply chain. Beer is the result of several agricultural products, and many of our sustainability efforts are directed at improving the agronomy of barley, wheat, other fermentables, and hops. High-quality water is becoming more scarce, making reclamation more necessary. Yeast may seem immune to climate change effects, but performance improvements and new strains may help us cope with shortcomings in other areas of the supply chain.

The editors of Technical Quarterly are calling for original research, reviews, best practices, and essays that examine new ideas and avenues that can improve sustainability in the ingredient supply chain for publication in the 2024 4th Quarter Focus Issue. Article proposals are requested by September 16 and initial drafts/outlines are due by October 14, 2024. Final drafts are due by November 11, 2024.

We invite you to submit article proposals, outlines, and/or drafts to Focus Issue Guest Editors Roger Barth, Vilija Bizinkauskas, and Mike Brennan or to TQ Editor-in-Chief John Palmer. Generally, we are looking for articles that are 2,000–5,000 words, although shorter and longer articles are acceptable with quality content. Each submission should include a title, an abstract (summary, max. 100 words), and a short author biography (max. 100 words).

Final Submission Deadline: November 11, 2024

Author Guidelines​​

All article types are encouraged for this issue. TQ has a dozen ways for you to share your latest research and advances in grains and malting with the Master Brewers community. Please refer to the TQ Author Guidelines for more information.

Contact John PalmerTQ Editor-in-Chief, with your article idea. He and the Focus Issue Editors can help you refine it.

Author Benefits

A focus issue offers significant benefits to authors, helping to raise their profile in the industry. A single-topic issue gives Master Brewers members an opportunity to publish alongside the related work of peers to highlight progress in the focus area. The upcoming TQ Focus Issue will be widely promoted and is expected to be highly read, giving authors maximum exposure. Articles receive DOIs and will be submitted to Crossref, allowing citation connectivity with other journals.

For more information about the scope of the issue or to submit your article, please contact John PalmerTQ Editor-in-Chief.

​Interested in submitting?

Email ​John Palmer at tqeditor@mbaa.com​​.​​​​