​The “Nth” Annual Malting and Brewing Two-Week Course, October 25–November 6, 2015

MBAA TQ http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/TQ-53-1-0116-01 | VIEW ARTICLE
Mark Sammartino. MBAA Technical Director.
The most recent Malting and Brewing Two-Week Course was held in Madison on the beautiful campus of the University of Wisconsin at the University Extension, as per the current standard operating process. This year we had 50 bright and enthusiastic participants, once again an international mix. We had representatives from the United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Uruguay. We had students from 42 different companies representing the process and technical brewing-related areas of brewing, quality assurance, malting, management and supervision, technical services, maintenance, engineering, and packaging. This mixture of backgrounds and knowledge is part of the strength of this class. It draws in people from all areas of our operations, all educational and aspirational backgrounds from all sorts of locations, sizes, and levels of complexity. Bringing this mix together and allowing an interactive process to take place is an amazing thing to watch.