Liquid feeds as a potential market for brewery by-products.

MBAA TQ vol. 14, no. (1), 1977, pp. 40-43 | VIEW ARTICLE

Clarke, D.W.

The economics of the liquid feed industry is discussed and the advantages and disadvantages of soluble brewery wastes as additives for liquid feeds and for direct use as complete liquid supplements are compared. The brewing industry has effectively used the dry formula feed market by obtaining AAFCO clearance for seven by-products as feed additives. Brewers Condensed Solubles, which has obvious potential as a liquid feed additive, was tentatively defined by AAFCO in 1976. A total of 21 by-products of various industries, suitable for use in liquid feeds, have been defined in the Official Publication. Problems with disposal of brewery effluents caused by EPA directives, and the no-return cost of disposal emphasize the need for development of a market. The purpose of this paper is to provide information on the liquid feed industry including annual tonnage estimates and trends, and the seasonal aspects of the market. Use ratios by animal categories and feeding methods are included. A brief section on the dietary requirements of ruminants is also presented. Simple and sophisticated liquid supplement formulas and the problems associated with their use are discussed. Finally the advantages and disadvantages of soluble brewery wastes as additives for liquid feeds and for direct use as complete liquid supplements are compared.
Keywords: brewing by-product feed liquid  


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