Beer: Art and Science.
Canales Gaj�, A.M.
Beer has been a constant and loyal companion of man
for many centuries. It is frequently present in man�s most important
events throughout his sojourn on earth. There is something mystic and
irresistible about beer. Were this not so, how could we explain the fact
that in nations with such tremendous differences in philosophical
concepts, social and economical systems and racial roots as the United
States of America, The Federal Republic of Germany, The United Kingdom,
The Soviet Union and Japan,�the top brewing countries�beer is produced
and consumed in such enormous quantities and enjoys a unique prestige
and acceptance? Art and Science have intertwined to achieve a perfect balance that
has resulted in the extraordinary success of beer as a universal
beverage. This paper intends to point out the milestones contributed by Art and
Science to modern brewing. As an addendum, some art masterpieces in
which beer is the main subject are shown.