Process innovation at the brewing research foundation.

MBAA TQ vol. 24, no. (3), 1987, pp. 104-108VIEW ARTICLE

Atkinson, B.

The Foundation has the capacity to carry out some 25 research and development projects as cooperative activities on behalf of its members. A well developed industrially based research panel system helps to identify, focus and evaluate these needs and the Foundation establishes the scientific concepts required to fulfill the needs followed by the development and trialling of protocols, processes and prototype equipment. While appropriate specific areas are carried through to commercialisation with individual Member companies on behalf of the Membership as a whole. A number of current projects involving a variety of innovations within the malting and brewing industries are described. These include second generation methods for suppression of nitrosamines, production of secondary wort, steam eductor system, BRF test for the vitality of pitching yeast, nisin, sand filtration, BRF late hop essence, liquid carbon dioxide hop oil injection apparatus and rapid microbial monitoring. Some of these projects are close to commercialisation while others are at the trialling stage with Member companies.
Keywords : brewing industry institute research  


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