Filtration of beer using a deep bed granular media filter.

MBAA TQ vol. 25, no. (1), 1988, pp.20-26 VIEW ARTICLE

Leeder, G.I. and Reed, R.J.R.

Deep Bed Granular Media Filtration is shown to be capable of filtering beer to bright beer standards, whilst being fully regenerable with water. Although such filtration has been used for the production of potable water for many years, major developments were required to ensure successful application to beer. These included the introduction of a finer and well graded medium capable of retaining yeast and other beer solids, the development of protocols for effective and economic cleaning, and the maintenance of high standards of hygiene. Initial process development was carried out at the Brewing Research Foundation on a 2-inch diameter filter with 3.3-ft. bed depth of medium. Subsequently the process has been proven in brewery conditions using a 2-ft. diameter pilot filter (3.3-ft. bed depth), built by APV Burnett and Rolfe, handling up to 66 U.S. bbl beer per day. The advantages of granular media filtration are: the avoidance of filter aid, which is both costly and difficult to handle; full automation; rapid turn-round time on regeneration; and low beer losses. Operating costs are very low, typically 2.0�/U.S. bbl beer filtered (based on U.K. prices). This includes backwash water, deaerated and hot sterilising liquors, and a weekly caustic clean.
Keywords : beer cell counting costs equipment filtration pilot plant sand  


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