How Brewers' Yeast Has Been and Is Handled and Treated
MBAA TQ vol. 35, Number 1, 1998, Pages 1-3
By A. Anderson
An illustration and description of how brew masters through the years have made brewery engineers design equipment and create processes, seen in a historical perspective, from the time before Emil Chr. Hansen and until today. From the epoch of the yeast wreath to our days "state of the art" yeast handling plants.
Keywords: None.
Una ilustracion y descripcion de como maestros cerveceros han hecho de ingenieros de diseno de cervecerias y ban creado procesos, vista desde una perspectiva historica, desde el tiempo de Emil Chr. Hansen hasta boy en dia. Desde la epoca de la olla de levadura hasta las "plantas de tecnologia de punta" de boy en dia.