An Electronic Look at Beer Flavor Instability
Peer Reviewed Submission
MBAA TQ vol. 36, Number 3, 1999, Pages 289-292
Phill Torline, A.Dercksen and B. Axcelll. The South African Breweries Limited, 65 Park Lane, Sandown, P 0 Box 782178, Sandton, 2146, South Africa. Peer-reviewed submission. This paper was originally presented as a lecture at the MBAA 110th Anniversary Convention, Baltimore, October 1997.
Brewers worldwide have grappled with the problems associated with flavor instability, in an effort to achieve the freshest possible taste of their products for the longest period of time, in the market place. In spite of all these efforts, there still appears to be a tremendous market for beers which the brewer would class a stale or oxidized. Perhaps the idea of "fresh beer" is not as important as that of a stable flavor, even if that flavor is judged technically poor by the brewer. This paper explores some alternative views on flavor instability in order to attempt to explain the apparent anomaly of the ready consumption on stale beer in certain markets. The concepts of onflavors and off?flavors are also investigated, especially in light of a rapidly changing marketplace.
Keywords: electronic aroma sensor, flavor stability
Los cerveceros en todo el mundo ban intentadc, resolver los problemas asociados con la inestabilidad del sabor, en un esfuerzo para alcanzar el sabor mds fresco posible por un periodo mas largo de tiempo en el mereado. Aun con todos estos esfuerzos, parece que todavfa hay un mercado tremendo para cervezas que el cervecero cal
ificarfa de oxidadas o echadas a perder. A lo mejor la idea de una "cerveza fresca" no es tan importante comc, un sabor estable, aun cuando este sabor es juzgado conto malo t6cnicamente por el cervecero. Este documento explora algunos puntos de vista aftemativos en cuanto a la inestabilidad del sabor con la intenci6n de tratar de
explicar la anomalfa aparente del rdpido consurno de cerveza echada a perder en unos mercados. Tambion se investigan los conceptos de sabores intemos y externos especialmente en vista del mereado que cambia rapidamente.