Hop Evaluation and Selection
MBAA TQ vol. 37, Number 1, 2000, Pages 97-103
By John Harris Full Sail Brewing Company, Portland, Oregon, USA. This poster was originally presented at the MBAA 112th Anniversary Convention, Keystone, Colorado, 1999.
This poster illustrates some of the methods used for hand evalua- tion of hop samples and how to identify common flaws in hops. Brewers have to react to ever-changing raw materials, thus hop selec- tion gives them more control over the flavors of their beers. When evaluating hop samples for purchase, it is important to understand how to properly evaluate the samples. When rubbing hops, many of one's senses have to be employed to assess the hops appearance and aroma. The best way to examine hops is in leaf form, soon after har- vest, because that is when oxidation is at its lowest levels. Proper evaluation techniques will be outlined and photos will be presented to show many of the common flaws found in hop samples and how to identify them. Pellet evaluation will also be discussed.
Keywords: Hop Selection, Hop Evaluation Team, Hop Inspection.
Este Cartel ifustra algunos de los metodos usados para la evalu- acidn a mano de muestras de lupulo y coma identificar defectos comunes en los lupulos. Los cerveceros deben reaccionar a las cam- biadizas materias primas, de tal manera la selection de ldpulo les da mayor control sobre los sabores de sus cervezas. Cuando se evaluan las muestras de lupulo durante la compra, es importante entender coma evaluar las muestras adecuadamente. Cuando se talla el lupu- lo, muchos de nuestros sentidos deben ser usados para evaluar la apariencia y el aroma de los lupulos. La mejor manera de examinar los lupulos es cuando la oxidation esta en sus niveles mas bajos. Las tecnicas de evaluation apropiadas seran delineadas y se presentarkr fotograffas para mostrar muchos de los defectos comunes que se encuentran en muestras de lupulo y coma identificarlas. Tambien se discutira la evaluation de las bolitas.