Addressing Sensitive Consumer Issues: An Australian Perspective

MBAA TQ vol. 37, Number 4, 2000, Pages 505-508 VIEW ARTICLE

By T. E. Kavanagh Carlton and United Breweries, Ltd., Melbourne, Australia Paper presented at the World Brewing Congress 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA.

As stake-holders in the brewing industry we all believe beer to be a wholesome and nutritious beverage which, properly used, can enhance the enjoyment of many social situations. However, beer is under challenge. The industry must, therefore, not only ensure that beer is recognized as a safe and nutritious beverage but work to pro-tect and enhance its overall image. One only needs to look at the wine industry to see the benefits of the images of moderation and health which have been so well associated with that product.
Keywords: alcohol, health, food, consumer issues  

Como personas interesadas en la industria cervecera, nosotros creemos que la cerveza es una bebida nutritiva, la cual cuando se usa adecuadamente puede aumentar el gozo de muchas actividades sociales. Sin embargo la cerveza est� bajo reto. Por lo tanto la indus-tria no solo debe de asegurar que la cerveza sea reconocida como una bebida segura y nutritiva, sino tambi�n trabajar para proteger y aumentar su imagen en general. Uno solo tiene que ver a la industria del vino para ver los beneficios de las im�genes de moderaci�n y salud que han sido bien asociadas con ese producto.


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