Alternative Fermented Beverages - Functional Drinks

MBAA TQ vol. 38, Number 1, 2001, Pages 33-35  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Christof Tenge and E. Geiger. Department of Brewing Technology II, Technical University of Munich at Weihenstephan, Germany. Paper presented at World Brewing Congress 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA.

The intent is to produce new beverages employing the facilities and the knowledge already existing in breweries. These beverages will have a high amount of nutritionally valuable substances. This article illustrates the main goals behind the research. It defines also the selection of suitable strains and the biological characterization of the selected microorganisms. Finally, it describes the nutritional value of the beverages.
Keywords: alternative beverages, lactic acid bacteria, fermentation, national value, functional drinks  

La intenci�n es la de producir nuevas bebidas empleando las instalaciones y el conocimiento ya existente en las cervecer�as. Con una gran cantidad de substancias nutritivamente valiosas. Este art�culo ilustra las metas principales perseguidas por esta investigaci�n. Tambi�n define la selecci�n de cepas adecuadas y la caracterizaci�n biol�gica de los microorganismos seleccionados. Finalmente, describe el valor nutritivo de las bebidas.


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