The Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre

MBAA TQ vol. 39, no. 3, 2002, pp. 164-166  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Richard Leach. Canadian Malting Barley Technical Center, 1365-303 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3G7. Based on a paper given at the MBAA District Ontario One-Day Technical Conference, Toronto, Canada, January 2002.

The Canadian Malting Barley Technical Center (CMBTC) is an independent, nonprofit organization funded by its members from the malting and grain industries. It was established in 2000 by major stakeholders in the industry. Major capital investment was provided by the Canadian Wheat Board, with additional funding and support provided by government agencies. The CMBTC focus is on conducting applied research and pilot-scale malting and brewing tests of registered Canadian barley varieties. The facilities will be used to commercially evaluate the malting and brewing characteristics of new and existing varieties. The CMBTC has a pilot malting plant capable of processing 100 kg of barley and a pilot brewery that has a brew size of 3 hL.
Keywords: barley exports, Canadian malting barley, Canadian Malting Barley Technical Center, world barley trade


El Centro T�cnico Canadiense de Cebada Maltera (CMBTC, de sus siglas en ingl�s) es una organizaci�n independiente financiado por sus socios en las industrias graneras y malteras. Fue establecida en el a�o 2000 por los mayores accionistas en la industria. Una gran parte de la inversi�n de capital provino del Canadian Wheat Board, con financiamiento adicional proporcionado por agencias gubernamentales. La CMBTC se concentra en la conducci�n de investigaciones aplicadas y al malteo y producci�n de cerveza a escala de planta piloto para probar variedades registradas de cebadas canadienses. Se utilizar�n las instalaciones para evaluar comercialmente las caracter�sticas malteras y cerveceras de variedades nuevas y existentes. La CMBTC tiene una planta piloto para maltear 100 kg de cebada y para elaborar 3 hL de cerveza.
Palabras claves: exportaci�n de cebada, cebada maltera canadiense, Centro T�cnico Canadiense de Cebada Maltera, comercio mundial de cebada


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