Carbon Dioxide Fixation Technology from Brewery Processing Wastes

MBAA TQ vol. 40, no. 1, 2003, pp. 39-43  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Tamio Yoshida (1), Saburo Kato (1), Tetsuo Choso (1), Masaaki Ota (1), Yoshifumi Kise (1), Yutaka Mitani (2), Shinji Yagihashi (2), and Masachika Takashio (2). 1. Technology Research Laboratory, Shimadzu Co., 3-9-4, Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, 619-0237 Japan. 2. Brewing Research Laboratory, Sapporo Breweries, Ltd., 10 Okatohme, Yaizu, Shizuoka, 425-0013 Japan. Based on a poster presented at the MBAA Convention in Austin, TX, October 2002.

It is now known with certainty that the concentration of greenhouse effect gases in the atmosphere causes global warming. There are six main greenhouse gases, including, in particular, carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gas emissions are projected to significantly increase unless mitigating policies are implemented. In 1997, the Shimadzu Co. began to develop a newer technology for carbon dioxide fixation. This technology was directly aimed at reducing carbon dioxide gas emissions. The Shimadzu Co. then developed a model in which bio-gas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide) was changed into stable solid carbon and water by using catalytic reactions. Bio-gas is produced by the anaerobic digestion of biomass. Therefore, it also involves biomass recycling. Since 1998, the Shimadzu Co. and Sapporo Breweries, Ltd. have conducted a laboratory-scale carbon dioxide fixation experiment in the brewery. In the experiment, the bio-gas was obtained from the brewery wastes. We found that carbon dioxide fixation technology can be applicable for practical use. A part of this work was carried out in cooperation with the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (Kyoto, Japan).
Keywords: anaerobic digestion, bio-gas, biomass, global warming, greenhouse effect gas, wastewater


Ahora se sabe con certeza que la concentraci�n de gases que resultan del efecto invernadero en la atm�sfera afectan el calentamiento global. Existen tres gases principales causados por el efecto invernadero, siendo el principal el gas carb�nico. La emisi�n de gases tipo invernadero aumentar�n significativamente a menos que se adopten pol�ticas para frenarlo. La Shimadzu Co. comenz� en 1997 a desarrollar una tecnolog�a para la fijaci�n de gas carb�nico, con el prop�sito de reducir la liberaci�n de gas carb�nico a la atm�sfera. Luego desarroll� un modelo en el cual bio-gas (una mezcla de metano y gas carb�nico) fue transformado por una reacci�n catal�tica en un carb�n s�lido estable y agua. El bio-gas es producido por la digesti�n anaer�bica de biomasa, por lo que tiene que ver con el reciclaje de biomasa. La Shimadzu Co. y Sapporo Breweries, Ltd. han conducido, desde 1998, un experimento en escala de laboratorio para la fijaci�n de gas carb�nico, utilizando el bio-gas obtenido de los efluentes cerveceros. Se determin� que la tecnolog�a de fijaci�n de gas carb�nico tiene aplicaciones pr�cticas. Una parte del trabajo se realiz� con la cooperaci�n de la Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (Kyoto, Jap�n).
Palabras claves: digesti�n anaer�bica, bio-gas, biomasa, recalentamiento global, gas del efecto invernadero, efluentes l�quidos


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