The Impact of a Novel Mixed Peracid-Based Sanitizer on
Beer�A Sensorial and Colloidal Evaluation
MBAA TQ vol. 40, no. 3, 2003, pp. 199-203 |
Isabel C. F. Vasconcelos (1), K. Jorge
(2), A. Nothaft (2), S. V. Marinho (2), G. H. P. Miranda (3), B.
Schmidt (4), and L. Grab (4). 1. Consultant - Cleaning & Sanitation
(Food and Beverage Industries), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2. BrewTech
Servi�os Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 3. Ecolab Quimica Ltda., Sao
Paulo, Brazil. 4. Ecolab Research Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Mixed peracids represent the most recent advance in
sanitizing technology for the brewing industry. A sanitizer concentrate,
based on a mixture of peracetic and peroxyoctanoic acids (a clear,
colorless, and pungent-smelling liquid), manufactured by Ecolab was
submitted to BrewTech for evaluation. Precleaned glass bottles and
cleaning-in-place (CIP)-cleaned stainless steel tanks were sanitized with
the product at various concentrations. After a fixed draining time and
without a postrinse step, the bottles and tanks were filled with pilsner
beer. The purpose of the work was to verify the impact of sanitizer
residuals on the taste, appearance, foam, and cloudiness of the beer,
under the worst-case scenario (no postrinse) and over a concentration
range of 0.05 to 1.0%. The analyses carried out were foam (Nederlands
Instituut voor Brouwgerst, Mout en Bier [NIBEM] and modified Carlsberg
methods-Sigma value), cloudiness (European Brewery Convention [EBC]
method), and sensorial evaluation (American Society of Brewing Chemists
[ASBC] method). When using a regular sanitizer concentration, no impact
on the taste, foaming, or cloudiness of the beer could be observed.
Keywords: impact on beer, mixed peracid sanitizer, sensorial
Per�cidos mixtos representan el avance m�s reciente en
tecnolog�a de saneamiento en la industria cervecera. Un concentrado
sanador producido por Ecolab, basado sobre una mezcla de �cido
perac�tico y �cido peroxioctan�ico (un l�quido claro, incoloro y de
olor acre penetrante), fue sometido a BrewTech para su evaluaci�n. Se
sanaron botellas de vidrio prelavadas y tanques de acero inoxidable
previamente lavadas por CIP con estos productos a diferentes
concentraciones. Despu�s de un tiempo predeterminado para escurrir,
pero sin enjuagar, estas botellas y tanques fueron llenadas con cerveza
tipo Pilsen. Se propon�a determinar el impacto de los residuos del
sanador sobre el sabor, apariencia, espuma y velo de la cerveza bajo el
peor de los escenarios (sin enjuagar) y en concentraciones de 0,05% a
1,0%. Se verifico la espuma mediante el an�lisis NIBEM y el m�todo
modificado de Carlsberg (Sigma); la evaluaci�n sensorial se hizo por el
m�todo ASBC. Al usar una concentraci�n del sanador normal, no se pudo
detectar ning�n efecto sobre el sabor, espuma o turbidez de la cerveza.
Palabras claves: impacto sobre cerveza, sanador de per�cidos
mixtos, evaluaci�n sensorial