Investigation of Material Characteristics and Influence on Beer Final Filtration

MBAA TQ vol. 41, no. 4, 2004, pp. 371-373  |  VIEW ARTICLE

John D. Brantley, Ph.D. (1), and Joe Kinsey (2). 1. Pall Corporation, 3669 State Road 281, Cortland, NY 13045. 2. Pall Corporation, 8780 Ely Road, Pensacola, FL 32514.

For filtration and aseptic filling to be economically viable in the brewing industry, it is necessary to maximize throughput while maintaining good bacteriological control. Although there is general agreement that specific membrane characteristics affect throughput, there has been little systematic work on the subject. To begin a study of specific membrane characteristics, 16 different membranes were cast, which allowed the elucidation of the effect of 15 specific membrane characteristics on beer throughput. Of these, three proved statistically significant.
Keywords: membrane filtration


Para que la filtraci�n y el envasado as�ptico sean viables econ�micamente en la industria cervecera, es necesario maximizar el tiempo de las corridas a la vez de mantener un buen control bacteriol�gico. Si bien se acepta que las caracter�sticas espec�ficas de la membrana afecta el tiempo de corrida, no existe ning�n estudio sistem�tico al respecto. Se prepararon 16 diferentes membranas, lo que permiti� medir el efecto de 15 caracter�sticas espec�ficas de membranas sobre el rendimiento espec�fico de una cerveza; de estas, tres resultaron estad�sticamente significativas.
Palabras claves: filtraci�n por membranas


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