A New Method To Monitor Water Distribution in Steeped Barley

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 1, 2005, pp. 49-53  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Robert E. Muller and David Alba Cubertorer. Brewing Research International, Lyttel Hall, Nutfield, Surrey RH1 4HY, United Kingdom.

A new method has been developed to assess the distribution of water inside steeped barley grains. The new method is called the Laser Hydration Test and relies on the measurement of laser light transmission through barley grains before and after the grains are heated to produce starch gelatinization. Hydrated endosperm gelatinizes upon heating, and the gelatinized material allows light to pass through the grain. Nonhydrated material does not gelatinize and the light is obstructed. There is a high correlation between the amount of light passing through the grain and the water distribution inside the grains detected by visual inspection. The Laser Hydration Test is easy to perform, fast, accurate, and objective, and it provides a quantitative measurement of the water distribution inside steeped barley.
Keywords: barley, laser, malt, method, water distribution


Se ha desarrollado un m�todo para evaluar la distribuci�n de agua dentro de los granos de cebada durante el remojo. Este �Laser Hydration Test� mide la transmisi�n de luz l�ser a trav�s de granos de cebada antes y despu�s de ser calentados para producir la gelatinizaci�n del almid�n. El endospermo hidratado se gelatiniza al calentarlo y el material gelatinizado permite el paso de luz, mientras que el material no hidratado no se gelatiniza y obstaculiza el paso de luz. Existe una alta correlaci�n entre la cantidad de luz que pasa a trav�s del grano y la distribuci�n de agua dentro de los granos evaluado visualmente. Esta prueba es f�cil de realizar. Es r�pido, preciso y objetivo, dando una medici�n cuantitativa de la distribuci�n de agua dentro del grano remojado.
Palabras claves: cebada, laser, malta, m�todo, distribuci�n de agua


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