Enhancing the Performance of Bottle-Wash Solutions

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 2, 2005, pp. 117-119  |  VIEW ARTICLE

George Agius and Angelo Tobia. JohnsonDiversey Inc., Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

The washing of returnable glass bottles continues to be an integral part of the packaging process in several countries. While the basic bottle-washing chemistry appears to have remained unchanged over the years, packaging operations now face several new environmental and cost constraints that force them to extend the life of the cleaning solution. Increased brewery throughput is also stretching the capacity of the typical label-extraction process and solution-renovation equipment. Often, this results in an accumulation of insoluble label solids, which have been clearly identified as having a deleterious effect on the bottle appearance by leaving a film deposit on the bottle. These insoluble solids can be settled out; however, plants often lack solution-tank capacity and the time to do proper settling and removal. A simple new process has been developed that utilizes existing plant equipment to accelerate the settling of these solids and restore the bottle-wash solution. This enables the plant to carry out more frequent settling to keep the bottle-washing solution clean. This process reduces the overall operational costs by eliminating the incidents of production quality holds attributed to film deposits and a less frequent wasting and recharging of the bottle-wash solution.
Keywords: bottle washers, caustic, deposits, flocculent, reclaim, settling

Figure 2 is in color in this online article.  

El lavado de botellas retornables sigue siendo una parte integral del proceso de envasado en varios pa�ses. La qu�mica del lavado de botellas no ha cambiado mucho a trav�s de los a�os, pero ahora uno se enfrenta a limitaciones ecol�gicas y de costos que obliga a extender la vida de las soluciones de limpieza. El aumento en la producci�n de cada cervecer�a tambi�n est� llevando al l�mite de su capacidad a los equipos de extracci�n de etiquetas y de renovaci�n de las soluciones, da�ando la apariencia de las botellas al depositar una fina capa de s�lidos sobre el vidrio. Estos s�lidos insolubles podr�an ser removidos por sedimentaci�n, pero frecuentemente hace falta suficiente capacidad en los tanques para que se sedimenten y sean removidos. Se ha desarrollado un proceso sencillo que utiliza los equipos existentes para acelerar la sedimentaci�n de estos s�lidos y renovar la soluci�n de limpieza. Esto permite que se realice la sedimentaci�n con mayor frecuencia para mantener la soluci�n limpia. Esto reduce los costos al eliminar las paradas de producci�n al detectar dep�sitos en los envases, como tambi�n por reducir las p�rdidas de soluci�n y el refuerzo continuo de la soluci�n.
Palabras claves: lavadora de botellas, sosa c�ustica, dep�sitos, floculaci�n, renovaci�n de soluciones, sedimentaci�n


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