The Fuel Alcohol Industry�She�s Younger and Bigger But Is She Wiser?
Peer-Reviewed Paper
MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 3, 2005, pp.
173-177 |
W. M. (Mike) Ingledew. Applied Microbiology and Food Science, University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8, Canada.
The fuel alcohol industry evolved much more recently, somewhat in parallel
but distinctively, from the better known and understood potable beverage
industry. As such, it has developed with little industry-wide appreciation of
its size and strength and of the uniqueness of its science. This short paper is
designed to help the industry appreciate the progress made by fuel alcohol
producers and the differences in their technology.
Keywords: dewatering, distillation, drying, ethanol, fermentation, fuel,
mash production, spent grain, technology
La industria del alcohol para combustible ha evolucionado mucho en los
�ltimos a�os, un poco en paralelo pero de manera distinta a la industria de
bebidas alcoh�licas. Se ha desarrollado sin que las industrias semejantes
aprecien su tama�o y la manera en que se diferencia de aquellas. Aqu� se
se�ala el progreso hecho por los productores de alcohol para combustible,
destacando las diferencias en su tecnolog�a.
Palabras claves: deshidrataci�n, destilaci�n, secado, etanol,
fermenaci�n, combustible, maceraci�n, afrecho/dreche, tecnolog�a