Quality Assessment and Performance of Malted Barley for Food Processing

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 3, 2005, pp. 199-203  |  VIEW ARTICLE

R. C. Agu. International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD), Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Different barley varieties produced malt of different modification when assessed by the friabilimeter method. When the same barley varieties grown in different fields were malted and the modification assessed by the friabilimeter method, different modification results were obtained. The topography of the field where the barley was grown played a very important role in yielding barley that produced malt of desired quality. The barley varieties obtained from the different sources also produced malt of different diastatic power. When mashed, malted barley of very high diastatic power produced wort of lower extract yield and slow filtration rate. The use of commercial enzymes in assisting the activities of malt diastatic power during mashing was more effective when malt of lower diastatic activity level was used because it produced wort with higher extract yield and wort that filtered faster. The addition of commercial enzymes to assist the activity of malted barley of higher diastatic power during mashing did not increase extract yield, rather it caused filtration problems.
Keywords: commercial enzymes, diastatic power, friability, mashing, total nitrogen, whole corns


Diferentes variedades de cebada produjeron maltas de diferentes grado de modificaci�n medido por el friabil�metro. Cuando una misma variedad de cebada cultivada en campos diferentes fue malteada, tambi�n dio diferentes grados de modificaci�n medido por el friabil�metro. La topograf�a del campo donde crece la cebada tiene gran influencia sobre la calidad de la malta que resulte de una determinada variedad de cebada. Las diferentes cebadas tambi�n produjeron maltas con diferentes poderes diast�ticos. Cebadas malteadas de muy alto poder diast�tico resultaron en mostos con menor rendimiento de extracto y filtraciones m�s lentas. El uso de enzimas comerciales para mejorar el poder diast�tico fue m�s eficaz al utilizar maltas de bajo poder diast�tico, pues resultaba un mosto con mayor rendimiento de extracto y un mosto que filtraba m�s r�pidamente. La adici�n de enzimas comerciales para mejorar la actividad diast�tica de maltas con alto poder diast�tico durante el macerado, no result� en un aumento del rendimiento de extracto y m�s bien causaba problemas con el filtrado del macerado.
Palabras claves: enzimas comerciales, poder diast�tico, friabilidad, maceraci�n, nitr�geno total, granos enteros


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