Hydrogen and Methane Two-Stage Production Directly from Brewery Effluent by
Anaerobic Fermentation
MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 4, 2005, pp.
283-289 |
Yutaka Mitani (1), Yuji Takamoto (1), Ryo Atsumi (1), Tetsuo Hiraga (2), and
Naomichi Nishio (3). 1. Frontier Laboratories of Value Creation, Sapporo
Breweries, Ltd., 10 Okatohme, Yaizu, Shizuoka, 425-0013 Japan. 2. Technology &
Business Development Department, Shimadzu Co., 3-17-1 Azuma, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
305-0031 Japan. 3. Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of
Advanced Science of Matter, Hiroshima University, 1-3-1 Kagamiyama,
Higashihiroshima, 739-8530 Japan.
Methane fermentation using an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) process
is extensively applied to the treatment of brewery effluents. However, the UASB
process is not suited to efficiently process solid-containing effluents.
Therefore, the feed solution requires a pretreatment to remove any suspended
solid matter. For example, the pressed filtrate from the spent malt of the
lauter tun contains a high density of suspended matter (chemical oxygen demand
[COD], 30,000�60,000 mg/L). Physical removal of the suspended matter from this
filtrate lowers the soluble COD concentration (10,000�30,000 mg/L). If it is
possible to convert the suspended matter into biogas, more than twice the volume
of biogas would be obtained from the waste of the lautering process. Some
bacteria found from the anaerobic fermentation decompose high-molecular-weight
polysaccharides into low-molecular-weight sugars and organic acids, generating
hydrogen as a metabolite. In this paper, a bench-scale empirical study of
hydrogen and methane two-stage production directly from brewery effluent,
containing a high level of solid matter content, was carried out, resulting in
about a 7% increase in the energy balance in terms of kilojoules per liter of
supplied liquid due to the solubilization of the suspended solids occurred.
Keywords: biogas, biohydrogen, biomass, hydrogen fermentation, methane
fermentation, two-stage fermentation
La fermentaci�n de metano utilizando una cubierta de lodo anaer�bico de flujo
hacia arriba (UASB) es extensamente aplicado al tratamiento de efluentes
cerveceros. Este no es el m�s apropiado para eficientemente procesar efluentes
con s�lidos, por lo que se necesita un pretratamiento para remover los s�lidos
en suspensi�n. El l�quido prensado del afrecho, por ejemplo, tiene una alta
concentraci�n de s�lidos en suspensi�n (demanda qu�mica de ox�geno, DQO, de
30,000�60,000 mg/L); al remover los s�lidos en suspensi�n se reduce el DQO a
10,000�30,000 mg/L. Si es posible convertir los s�lidos en biog�s, se podr�a
obtener doble el volumen de biog�s del efluente del proceso lauter. Algunas
bacterias de la fermentaci�n anaer�bica descomponen polisac�ridos de alto peso
molecular a azucares y �cidos org�nicos, generando hidr�geno como metabolito.
Aqu� se presenta un estudio emp�rico a peque�a escala donde se produjo hidr�geno
y metano directamente de un efluente cervecero con un alto contenido de s�lidos,
dando un aumento de 7% en energ�a con respecto a los kilojoules/litro en el
l�quido, debido a la solubilizaci�n de los s�lidos en suspensi�n.
Palabras claves: biog�s, biohidr�geno, biomasa, fermentaci�n de
hidr�geno, fermentaci�n de metano, fermentaci�n de dos etapas