Technological Developments in the Scotch Whisky Industry
MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 4, 2005, pp.
305-308 |
Graham G. Stewart. International Centre for Brewing and Distilling,
Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS United Kingdom.
The Scotch whisky and brewing industries have many similarities and
differences. The Scotch Whisky Act closely controls the production of the
product. The differences and similarities between Scotch whisky and brewing
products are listed, and the experience that can be obtained from a comparison
of the two processes discussed.
Keywords: beer, cereals, distillation, maturation, whisky, yeast
La industria cervecera y la industria del whisky escoc�s tienen muchas
similaridades y muchas diferencias. El Scotch Whisky Act controla muy de
cerca la elaboraci�n del producto. Las similaridades y diferencias entre el
whisky escoc�s y los productos cerveceros son elucidadas y se discute lo valioso
que puede ser una comparaci�n entre ellos.
Palabras claves: cerveza, cereales, destilaci�n, maduraci�n, whisky,