Beer Stabilization Technology�Clearly a Matter of Choice

MBAA TQ vol. 42, no. 4, 2005, pp. 332-338  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Mustafa Rehmanji (1), Chandra Gopal (2), and Andrew Mola (1). 1. ISP (International Specialty Products), 1361 Alps Road, Wayne, NJ, 07470 United States. 2. ISP Europe, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 5HQ United Kingdom.

The mechanism of formation of nonbiological haze in beer is considered with reference to the key raw material and process stages that impact polyphenol and protein haze precursors. Strategies to minimize their formation during beer production are also suggested. The options for achieving good colloidal stability are considered, including a novel upstream product employed in the brewhouse toward the end of wort boiling. This has the advantage of improving wort clarity and cold wort runoff volume, as well as increasing the shelf life of the beer. More conventional approaches employ additions after fermentation, prior to and post-diatomaceous earth-filtration. The mechanism of action and typical dosage rates employed are illustrated along with the major benefits of each class of stabilizing agent. A combined product is also considered in the context of simplifying colloidal stabilization and introducing the concept of a balanced reduction of both the major classes of haze precursors�polyphenols and proteins. This approach provides the most effective colloidal stabilization. Seven key control steps to achieve good product shelf life are highlighted.
Keywords: beer, colloidal stability, haze, polyphenol, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), protein


Se discute sobre los mecanismos de la formaci�n de turbiezas no biol�gicas con respecto a las principales materias primas y las diferentes etapas de producci�n que afectan los precursores de turbiezas polifen�licas y prote�nicas. Se discuten las opciones para alcanzar una buena estabilidad coloidal, incluyendo un producto novedoso utilizado al final del hervor del mosto. Adem�s de mejorar la estabilidad de la cerveza, el uso de este producto tambi�n mejora la claridad del mosto y aumenta el volumen del mosto fr�o. Productos convencionales son usados despu�s de la fermentaci�n, antes de o despu�s de la filtraci�n por kieselgur. Se informa sobre el mecanismo de adici�n del producto y las proporciones t�picamente utilizadas, adem�s de ilustrar los beneficios principales de cada clase de agente estabilizador. Tambi�n se considera un producto combinado para simplificar la estabilizaci�n coloidal; se introduce el concepto de una reducci�n balanceada de ambas clases de precursores de turbieza�polifenoles y prote�nas�para as� optimizar la estabilizaci�n, Se dan siete pasos claves para alcanzar una buena estabilizaci�n.
Palabras claves: cerveza, estabilidad coloidal, turbieza, polifenol, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), prote�na


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