Influence of Wort Boiling and Wort Clarification Conditions on Aging-Relevant Carbonyl Compounds in Beer

MBAA TQ vol. 43, no. 2, 2006, pp. 121-126  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Osamu Ogane, Takeo Imai, Yutaka Ogawa, and Motoo Ohkochi. Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd., Research Laboratory for Brewing, 1-17-1 Namamugi, Tsurumi-Ku, Yokohama 230-8628, Japan.

We investigated the effects of thermal load during the wort boiling and wort clarification processes on aging-relevant carbonyl compounds, such as Strecker aldehydes, oxidation products of unsaturated fatty acids, and odor-active compounds (dimethyl sulfide, 4-vinylguaiacol, and 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol), in cold wort and beer. From our results, reduction of thermal load during the wort boiling and wort clarification processes resulted in a decrease in Strecker aldehyde, 4-vinylguaiacol, and 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol levels. These conditions also affected beer quality, including color and bitterness. Based totally on the consideration of beer quality, it is necessary to determine the optimum conditions for wort boiling and wort clarification.

Keywords: dimethyl sulfide, 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, Strecker aldehyde, thermal load, 4-vinylguaiacol, wort boiling, wort clarification


Se investigaron los efectos de la carga t�rmica durante el hervor y clarificaci�n del mosto. Sobre algunos compuestos en mosto y en cerveza. Se incluyeron en el estudio a compuestos carbonil (tales como los aldeh�dos Strecker) relevantes al proceso de envejecimiento de la cerveza, productos de oxidaci�n de �cidos grasos no saturados y otros compuestos vol�tiles (sulfuro dimetilo, 4-vinil-guayacol y 3-metil-2-butene-1-tiol). Los resultados muestran que una reducci�n de la carga t�rmica reduce los niveles de aldeh�do Strecker, 4-vinil guayacol y de 3-metil-2-butene-1-tiol. Esta reducci�n de la carga t�rmica tambi�n afect� la calidad de la cerveza, incluyendo el color y amargor. En consideraci�n a la calidad de la cerveza, es imprescindible determinar las condiciones �ptimas del hervor y clarificaci�n del mosto.

Palabras claves: dimetil sulfuro, 3-metil-2-butene-1-tiol, aldeh�dos Strecker, carga t�rmica, 4-vinil guayacol, hervor de mosto, clarificaci�n de mosto


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