Production of Bioethanol from Spent Grain�A By-Product of Beer Production

MBAA TQ vol. 43, no. 3, 2006, pp. 189-193  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Sho Shindo and Tadanori Tachibana. Akita Research Institute of Food and Brewing, Akita, Japan.

Bioethanol production from spent grain using immobilized yeast cells was investigated. Spent grain was liquefied by steam explosion treatment to obtain liquefied sugar. Bioethanol production was carried out by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Yamadazyma stipitis acting together on the liquefied spent grain. Both yeast species were immobilized on a glass bead carrier. When repeated batch bioethanol production from liquefied spent grain with coimmobilized yeast cells was carried out, the productivity of bioethanol was maintained at a high level over a period of 20 days. The bioethanol yield (Ye/s ethanol yield [g of ethanol per g of sugars]) of our coimmobilized fermentation system was 0.28 g/g, and was comparable to the yield of a free yeast cofermentation system, which was 1.7 times higher.

Keywords: bioethanol, immobilized yeast cells, spent grain


Se estudi� la posibilidad de producir bioetanol de afrecho (dreche) utilizando c�lulas de levadura inmovilizadas. Se licuific� el afrecho mediante la explosi�n de vapor para obtener az�car l�quido. Se produjo bioetanol con la acci�n combinada de c�lulas inmovilizadas (sobre un soporte de esferas de vidrio) de Saccharomyces cerevisiae y Yamadazyma stipitis sobre este afrecho licuificado. La producci�n de lotes continuos repetidos de bioetanol con este proceso se pudo mantener a un alto nivel a lo largo de 20 d�as. El rendimiento de bioetanol de este sistema de fermentaci�n coinmovilizada fue de 0,28 g de etanol/g de az�car, comparable con el rendimiento de un sistema de cofermentaci�n con levadura libre, que fue 1,7 veces mayor.

Palabras claves: bioetanol, c�lulas de levadura inmovilizadas c�lulas de levadura, afrecho (dreche)


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