Wort Stripping Technology To Save Energy�Targets and New Industrial Results

MBAA TQ vol. 43, no. 4, 2006, pp. 288-292  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Bruno Bonacchelli (1), Rafael Tigel (1), Fr�d�rique Harmegnies (1), and Benoit Formesyn (2). 1. Meura Technologies, Voie Minckelers 1, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 2. InBev, Brouwerijplein 1, B-3000 Louvain, Belgium.

In breweries, the boiling step alone can represent up to 30% of the total process energy costs of packaged beer and up to 50% of the energy required in the brewhouse. Recent technological developments have allowed the production of high-gravity wort while still achieving laboratory extraction yields, even without the use of weak wort as mashing liquor. Evaporation, therefore, is no longer needed. Saving energy is on everyone�s mind these days, and we have developed an industrial system that combines moderate boiling with efficient stripping of unwanted volatile compounds from wort. Trials were first carried out on a pilot scale in a pilot brewery. We then developed a pilot stripper that was used in different industrial brewing environments. After validating the method, an entire industrial plant, suitable for batch sizes up to 500 hL, was commissioned. Industrial trials were performed, and the results are discussed.

Keywords: DMS, energy efficiency, stripping column technology, wort stripping 

La etapa de cocci�n representa hasta un 30% del total de energ�a requerida por el proceso cervecero para cerveza envasada y hasta el 50% de la energ�a utilizada en la sala de cocimiento. Desarrollos tecnol�gicos recientes han permitido que se elabore mosto �high-gravity� sin perjuicio de los rendimientos de extracto, aun sin utilizar mosto aguado como el licor de mezcla. Por lo tanto, la evaporaci�n ya no es necesaria. Hemos desarrollado un sistema industrial que combina un hervor moderado con una eficiente reducci�n de vol�tiles indeseados del mosto. Primero se hicieron pruebas en una planta piloto para luego desarrollar un separador de vol�tiles (�stripper�) que fue utilizado en diferentes entornos cerveceros industriales. Despu�s de validar el m�todo, se comision� una planta industrial entera para realizar pruebas de hasta 500 hL. Los resultados se discuten aqu�.

Palabras claves: DMS, eficiencia energ�tica, tecnolog�a de separaci�n de vol�tiles, separaci�n de vol�tiles del mosto


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