Characteristics of Starch in Argentinean Malting Barley

MBAA TQ vol. 44, no. 3, 2007, pp. 170-175  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Olivia V. L�pez (1), Mar�a A. L�zzari (2), and Mar�a S. Rodr�guez (1). 1. Department of Chemistry, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Avda Alem 1253, 8000 Bah�a Blanca, Argentina. 2. LAHBIS, Department of Agronomy, Universidad Nacional del Sur, San Andr�s 700, 8000 Bah�a Blanca, Argentina.

Sixteen samples of malting barley grown in the Buenos Aires Province of Argentina were selected for this study. Starch was isolated and purified using a modified version of the Morrison method. The starch concentration in the samples ranged from 53.2 to 63.3%. The starch samples were characterized physicochemically, and the following results were obtained: 1) the concentration of lipids, phosphorus, and nitrogen was too low; 2) the values for apparent amylose ranged from 19.0 to 23.9%, whereas the values for total amylose ranged from 23.6 to 31.2; 3) the starch had a bimodal granule size distribution�type A (big and lenticular) and type B (small and irregular or spherical); 4) the gelatinization temperature ranged from 62.18 to 64.68�C; 5) amylopectin was responsible for the crystallinity of starch granules; and 6) the granules were birefringent. The last property disappeared when starch was heated above its gelatinization temperature.

Keywords: malting barley, physicochemical characteristics, quantization, starch 

Se estudiaron diecis�is muestras de cebada de malteo cultivado en la provincia de Buenos Aires en Argentina, separ�ndolas de su almid�n y purific�ndolas usando una versi�n modificada del m�todo de Morrison. Las concentraciones de almid�n variaron de 53.2% a 63.3%. Las muestras de almid�n se caracterizaban f�sico-quimicamente con los sigui�entes resultados: 1) las concentraciones de l�pidos, f�sforo y nitr�geno fueron demasiadas bajas; 2) la concentraci�n de amilosa aparente vari� de 19.0% a 23.9%, mientras que la amilosa total vari� de 23.6% a 31.2%; 3) el almid�n tuvo una distribuci�n de tama�o de granulo bimodal�tipo A (grande y lenticular) y tipo B (peque�o e irregular o esferico); 4) la temperatura de gelatinizaci�n vari� de 62.18�C a 64.68�C; 5) la amilopectina fue la responsable por la critalinidad de los gr�nulos de almid�n; y 6) los gr�nulos eran birefringentes. Esta �ltima propiedad desapareci� al calentar el almid�n por encima de su temperatura de gelatinizaci�n.

Palabras claves: almid�n, caracter�sticas f�sico-qu�micos, cebada de malteo, cuantizaci�n


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