Stratified Fermentation�Causes and Corrective Actions

MBAA TQ vol. 45, no. 2, 2008, pp. 115-120  |  VIEW ARTICLE

David Kapral. 10482 N. Sage Hollow Way, Boise, ID 83714-9575.

The Practical Brewer, 3rd edition (p. 248), contains a paragraph on abnormal fermentations. Within this section, some common causes of abnormal fermentations are described, and peculiarities are discussed. The intent of this paper is to provide insight into one very specific type of abnormality that has been observed and studied in the field�stratified fermentation. This abnormal fermentation has been seen in large and small breweries and has been reported to the author as occurring in a university pilot brewery. All specific data presented are from an original report by the author and his team when stratification was found, documented, and corrected in their brewery�s 4,800-bbl fermentors.

Keywords: abnormal fermentations, multibrew fermentors, stratified fermentors


El Practical Brewer, 3a edici�n (p. 248), contiene un p�rrafo sobre fermentaciones anormales. Se describen algunas causas comunes para fermentaciones anormales y se discute sus peculiaridades. Este art�culo intenta dar luces sobre un tipo espec�fico de anormalidad que ha sido observada y estudiada en escala industrial�la fermentaci�n estratificada. Esta anormalidad ha sido observada en cervecer�as peque�as y grandes, como tambi�n en una planta piloto cervecera en una universidad. Todos los datos en este art�culo fueron tomados del reporte original de este autor y su equipo cuando se observ�, document� y corrigi� una estratificaci�n en las fermentadoras de su cervecer�a de 5,600 hL.

Palabras claves: fermentaciones anormales, fermentadoras estratificadas, fermentadoras para m�ltiples cocimientos


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