Malts and Worts of European Barley Varieties Processed in Poland: Their Friability and beta-Glucan Content
MBAA TQ doi:10.1094/TQ-46-2-0505-01 |
Andrzej Brudzyński
and Dorota Michałowska. Department
of Brewing and Malting Technology, Institute of Biotechnology, Warsaw,
The issue of beta-glucan content in wort and beer emerged quite
recently in Poland. Modern Polish breweries are simplifying their mashing
systems, and to save time, they have given up the three-mash process. Now,
in most cases, the operation in the mash tun begins at 61�C�a temperature
that is substantially higher than the activity range of beta-glucanases.
This increases the possibility of gel formation, decreases filterability,
and increases the risk of haze formation in commercial beer. It is not
surprising, therefore, that Polish brewers are now looking for malts that
are low in beta-glucans. In this paper we present a short history of the
development of malting barley breeding in Poland from the pre-war period
to the present. We then report on the analysis of 78 malt samples provided
by Polish breweries, representing 19 barley varieties (all but one of
foreign origin). We found beta-glucan contents in malts ranging from 0.12
to 0.61% (dry matter basis). Laboratory worts produced from these malts
usually contained approx. 150 mg of beta-glucan per L, but some contained
as much as 360 mg/L. The friability of the analyzed malts was between 81.2
and 97.0%.
Keywords: barley breeding in Poland, beta-glucan, Polish
El tema del contenido de beta-glucano en mosto y cerveza sali� a
flote recientemente en Polonia. Las cervecer�as modernas en Polonia est�n
simplificando sus procesos de maceraci�n. Han eliminado el proceso de
triple maceraci�n para ahorrar tiempo. La mayor�a inicia la macera�ci�n a
61�C�una temperatura m�s all� del l�mite superior para la actividad de las
beta-glucanasas, lo que aumenta la posibilidad de la formaci�n de gel,
reduciendo la filtrabilidad y aumentando el riesgo de formaci�n de
turbiezas en la cerveza. Esto obliga a los cerveceros polacos a adquirir
maltas con bajo contenidos de beta-glucanos. Aqu� presentamos una corta
historia del desarrollo del cultivo de cebada cervecera en Polonia desde
el periodo pre-guerra hasta el presente. Despu�s informamos sobre los
an�lisis de 78 muestras de malta procedentes de cervecer�as polacas,
representando 19 variedades de cebada (todas, menos una, de origen
extranjero). Estas dieron 0,12�0,61% (base seca) de beta-glucano y una
friabilidad entre 81,2 y 97,0%. Los mostos producidos de estas maltas por
lo general conten�an 150 mg de beta-glucano por L, aunque algunas muestras
dieron hasta 360 mg/L.
Palabras claves: cervecer�as polacas, cultivo de
cebada en Polonia, beta-glucano