Beer and Health: A Review
MBAA TQ doi:10.1094/TQ-46-3-0821-01 |
A. C. Ogbonna. Department of Food Science &
Technology, University of Uyo, P.M.B. 1017, Uyo, Nigeria.
Alcoholic beverages, especially beer and wine, are often consumed
as part of a standard diet, for hygienic or medical reasons, for
relaxation or recreational purposes, for euphoric effects, for artistic
inspiration, as aphrodisiacs, for mood elevation, to cope with stress, to
boost confidence or provide transient courage, as sources of energy, to
satisfy thirst, as appetite inducers, etc. When consumed, the ethyl
alcohol in a beverage is absorbed and distributed rapidly throughout the
body without prior digestion. Its absorption is a function of the
concentration of alcohol in the beverage, presence and type of food in the
gastrointestinal tract, and gender; the rate of distribution is estimated
at 0.58�0.70 L/kg of body weight. Approximately 2�10% of the alcohol is
eliminated from the body through sweat, urine, and breath, while more than
90% is eliminated through metabolic processes in the liver. Moderate,
responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages can provide significant
health benefits through reduced risk or prevention of cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes mellitus, gallstones, osteoporosis, rheumatoid
arthritis, stomach ulcers, and stroke and protection of the brain from
mental decline due to aging. When abused, alcohol can have toxic effects
on certain physiological processes and organs, including the heart, brain,
liver, and kidneys, leading to debilitating disease conditions.
Keywords: abuse, alcohol, beverage, consumption, metabolism,
Bebidas alcoh�licas, especialmente vino y cerveza, son frecuentemente
incluidas como parte de una dieta est�ndar por razones m�dicas o
higi�nicas, para relajamiento o recreaci�n, para efectos euf�ricos, para
inspiraci�n art�stica, como afrodis�acas, para elevar los �nimos, para
mejor tolerar el estr�s, para mayor confianza o coraje temporal, como
fuentes de energ�a, para satisfacer la sed, para inducir el apetito, etc.
Al ser consumido el alcohol et�lico de una bebida, este es absorbido y
distribuido r�pidamente a lo largo del cuerpo sin previa digesti�n. La
absorci�n es funci�n de la concentraci�n del alcohol en la bebida, el sexo
de la persona, y la presencia y tipo de alimentos en la regi�n
gastrointestinal; la r�pidez de la distribuci�n se estima en 0.58�0.70
L/kg. Aproximadamente 2�10% del alcohol es eliminado a trav�s del sudor,
el h�lito, y la orina, mientras que el restante es eliminado mediante
procesos metab�licos en el h�gado. El consumo moderado, responsable, de
bebidas alcoh�licas proveen beneficios significantes a la salud por la
prevenci�n o reducci�n del riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares,
diabetes mellitus, c�lculos biliarios, osteoporosis, artritis reumatoide,
�lceras estomacales, y apoplej�a y protecci�n contra la disminuci�n
mental debido a la edad. Cuando se abusa de ello, el alcohol puede tener
efectos t�xicos sobre ciertos procesos fisiol�gicos y �rganos, incluyendo
el coraz�n, cerebro, h�gado, y ri�ones, conduciendo a condiciones
debilitantes de la salud.
Palabras claves: abuso, alcohol, bebidas, consumo, metabolismo,