A Selective History of High-Gravity and High-Alcohol Beers
MBAA TQ doi:10.1094/TQ-47-2-0416-01 |
Graham Stewart (1) and Jim Murray
(2). 1. GG Stewart Associates. 2. Better Lines Ltd.
This paper covers the history and evolution of
high-gravity and high-alcohol brewing in a selected number of large and
small brewing companies. The advent and evolution of high-gravity brewing
has resulted in the publication of a considerable volume of specific
fundamental information concerning this process and its beneficial impact
on the overall brewing industry. This work has also been advanced and
applied to the distilling industry producing potable, industrial, and fuel
Keywords: high-alcohol brewing, high-alcohol distilling,
high-gravity brewing
En este art�culo repasamos la historia y la
evoluci�n de la producci�n de cerveza �high gravity� y de cerveza de alto
contenido de alcohol en algunas selectas empresas cerveceras peque�as y
grandes. La introducci�n y evoluci�n de la producci�n de cerveza �high
gravity� ha resultado en la publicaci�n de una gran cantidad de
informaci�n espec�fica y fundamental con respecto al proceso y su impacto
provechoso a la industria cervecera. Aquellos trabajos han sido
actualizados y aplicados a la industria de la destiler�a produciendo
alcohol potable, industrial, o para combustible.
claves: cerveza de alto contenido de alcohol,
cerveza �high gravity,� destilaci�n de alto alcohol