Meeting Minutes
- Chris German called the meeting to order and welcomed members and guests. He also thanked the Town Hall Brewery for hosting the meeting.
- Guests attending the meeting included: Matt Hall (Lift Bridge) & John Guzman (Brewer’s Supply Group)
- Eric Harper read the minutes of the November meeting. Motion to accept, 2nd, and approved.
- Mike Miziorko gave the Treasurer’s Report. Motion to accept, 2nd, and approved.
- Condolences – It was noted that Fran Weber, former Master Brewer for Schmidt’s passed away on Dec. 9th. A moment of silence was observed
- Committee Reports
- National Conference Committee:
Chris German reported that he would like to form a committee to organize hospitality events during the MBAA Annual Conference. All those interested should contact Chris German.
- Golf Committee:
Golf Committee Chair Tom Kaehler was not present to report. This year's annual District Golf Outing will take place at the New Ulm Country Club… no Shoot'n'Golf. The outing will be followed by a dinner at the August Schell Brewing Company.
- Board Of Governor's Report
- BOG Rep Tom Thomasser was not present to report
- Craft Brewers Conference – San Francisco, March 24 – 26th. The MBAA is looking for monetary, beer, and brewery insignia donations to help with the hospitality. The purpose of the MBAA hospitality suite is to attract new members. It will be open on the 24th and 25th. If you would like to donate, please contact Rebecca Jennings by Feb. 18th.
- In other national level news:
- MBAA Packaging Course will be from May 1-12, 2011
- Brewing and Malting Science Course-dates Oct. 30 – Nov. 10th
- Membership
- Theresa Chicos noted that we have gained one new member (Briana Francisco) since January
- Old Business:
- New Business:
- Meetings for 2011:
- Spring Meeting- May 11th – August Schell Brewing Co.
- Summer Meeting
- Summer Social- We are thinking of holding the Summer Social instead of the Summer Meeting. The Social will be held again at Hyland Lake Park and Reserve in Bloomington, and is being planned for a Saturday instead of a Friday.
- Annual Convention- MBAA National Convention will be held in Minneapolis- October 13-15th, -2011
- Fall Meeting- November 9th – Summit Brewing Co.
- Motion to Adjourn
- Presentation:
- Pete Rifakes, Owner of the Town Hall Brewery and Town Hall Tap, gave a presentation on the history and expansion of his brew pub, and new restaurant.
A build your own Taco Bar was enjoyed by the membership.
Submitted by District St. Paul/Minneapolis Secretary (2011-2012) Eric Harper.