​​​Course Scholarships

"..the course was amazing! I learned so much and met so many great people in the brewing industry... Thank you once again for such a fantastic opportunity, I am forever grateful."

Obed Salazar
Head Brewer
Golden Road Brewing

(2019 Walt Powell scholarship recipient to the Brewing and Malting Science course​)

We offer a variety of scholarships for travel stipends and reduced or completely subsidized tuition for our annual Master Brewers courses: 

As our courses are offered annually, scholarship applications are always open for consideration toward the next course that is taking place. Unless noted differently in the eligibility requirements, all current Master Brewers members in good standing are encouraged to apply for our scholarships.

Apply Now!

Hoping to attend a course with the discounted member rate or one of our scholarships? Become a member to​​day!


Our Scholarships:​​

John Mallett Scholarship

Annual scholarship to cover the full tuition with a $1,200 travel stipend​ for members or nonmembers to an annually designated course. The course chosen for 2024 is the Brewing & Malting Science Course.
Application Deadline: August 15

Learn More​ 

Master Brewers Scholarship​

Covers the cost of tuition to the following courses: 

​North American Brewers Association Scholarship

$1,500 scholarship towards the tuition for the Master Brewers Brewi​ng and Malting Science Course​.
Application Deadline: August 15

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Walt Powell Scholarship

Annual scholarship to cover full tuition to the Master Brewers Brewing and Malt​ing Science Course, plus a travel stipend of up to $1,000.
Application Deadline: August 15

Learn More

District Scholarships 

​Some districts may offer additional course  scholarships for their area members​. Check with your local District on the availability of additional district ​scholarships and eligibility requirements.​​​

Contact Your District

District Lottery for Discounted Course Registration ​

Current District Officers may submit an application to enter a lottery drawing for a discounted registration rate on any of our three courses​
Application Deadline: April 30​

Learn More 

How Easy is it to Get a Course Scholarship?