District Lottery for Discounted Course Registration​

​​All Master Brewers Districts are invited to enter a lottery for the chance to win a discounted registration rate with which to award a current district member with a scholarship toward the tuition of any of our three courses: ​

Only current District Officers may submit an application. ​

Nine discounted registrations rates are available each year. 

Application Deadline: April 30

Apply Now

District Requirements​

Only a current District Officer may fill out the online applicat​ion.​

Before application submission, districts must:

  • Agree to fund 75% of the total course registration fee for your scholarship recipient (25% will be awarded from Master Brewers National).

Eligibility for Districts

  • Only current District Officers may submit an application.
  • Nine discounted registrations per year will be awarded from Master Brewers.
  • The names of districts that submit applications will have their names put into a hat and winners will be drawn at least 8 weeks prior to course start.
    • ​A maximum of three slots will be chosen for each course. 
    • One person per course per district will be awarded the discounted registration.

Winning districts will be notified by middle of January that they have received a discounted registration rate.

Awarding District Scholarships​

  • ​​​Districts that have been selected as recipients of a discounted registration rate may choose one recipient from their district. 
  • The recipient selected to receive the discounted registration rate must be an active professional member in good standing. 
  • Districts may choose the criteria they use to designate the winner of their district scholarship.
  • Each district is in charge of promoting their scholarship to the members of their district.

Application Deadline: April 30​

Apply Now

Additional District Scholarships 

​Some districts may offer additional course  scholarships. Contact your local District on the availability of additional district ​scholarships and eligibility requirements.​​