J. E. ENGSTLE (1), A. Scheidel (1), P. Först (1); (1) Technische Universität München, Chair of Process Engineering of Disperse Systems, Freising, Germany
Hops II
Friday, October 9
2:15–3:30 p.m.
Grand 6–8
There are a lot of different approaches for dry hopping. One possibility is adding hops directly into the kettle, special devices are offered by manufacturers, and some breweries even design their own special apparatuses (torpedo, etc.). During this process several problems occur. One major problem is beer loss. To flush out hop sediments from the kettle breweries accept waste of up to one-third of tank volume. Other problems are the sedimentation of hops in the kettle or the dispersion of hop particles in dissolving devices (hop gun, torpedo, etc.). To grant a better understanding of these phenomena and to determine differences in hop types and breeds a procedural characterization is important. For this project reliable methods are necessary. Methods have been developed to measure sedimentation behavior, swelling-behavior, filter cake resistance, and other characteristic properties.
Jörg Engstle studied brewing and beverage technology in Weihenstephan. He graduated in 2012 with an engineering diploma. Since then he has been working as a doctoral candidate at the Chair of Process Engineering of Disperse Systems in Weihenstephan. His field of work covers the mash separation process, mostly via lauter tun. He also works on procedural characterization of different hop products to enable a faster matching of dry-hopping equipment to different hop styles, types, and products.