Districts are the lifeblood of Master Brewers. Through our districts, Master Brewers members are able to connect locally through meetings, mixers, tours, and outings.
Current District Listing
Are You Interested in Starting a District?
Great! We want to make it as easy as possible.
Step 1 - Fill out the application
Master Brewers members interested in starting a new district should review the Master Brewers District section of the bylaws and manual of operations. All are encouraged to contact staff to discuss questions about the process as we are here to
guide you through the steps. At least 10 current professional members in good standing need to put their name on the application.
New district application
Step 2 - Review and Receipt of the Application (within 1 month of receipt of application)
Master Brewers staff reviews the application (including verification that all members are current). The Executive Committee will receive the new district application during one of its monthly meetings.
Step 3 – Comment Period (1 month)
Once the Executive Committee has received the new district application, information will be sent out to the Board of Governors (BOG) regarding the proposed district. A one month comment period will open to allow feedback from other districts,
particularly overlapping districts. It is a goal for districts not to compete for members but to work together in their offerings. As a reminder, members can belong to more than one district.
Step 4 – BOG Votes on the Application (at next applicable BOG meeting)
Instead of just approving districts twice a year, there will be quarterly opportunities to vote on proposed new districts. This will keep the process moving along more quickly to establish the district.
Step 5 – Articles of Incorporation Created (typically within 1 month)
Once approved by the BOG, staff will have the Master Brewers President sign the Articles of Incorporation. The signed Articles of Incorporation will be sent to the Master Brewers lawyer to file with the Minnesota Secretary of State.
Step 6 – Inaugural District Meeting Takes Place (at District’s discretion)
The inaugural meeting for the new district takes place and they fill out the inaugural meeting template provided by Master Brewers headquarters.
Step 7 – Employer Identification Number Obtained (typically within 1 month)
The lawyer’s office will call and talk with the District President or other designated officer, to obtain information to file for Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Step 8 – District Incorporated into Regular Master Brewers Business (the week after EIN obtained)
The district’s EIN number is issued, and the district is in business. At this point Master Brewers Headquarters onboards the new district officers and regularly works with them on reporting and other annual needs always providing templates when
possible. Both General Liability and D&O insurance are required. Master Brewers Headquarters pays for both premiums for the first 12 months, subsequent years the insurance costs about $1,200.