​​​​​How to Establish Rules for Confined Spaces in a Brewery​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Broadcast Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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Webinar Summary

The craft brewing industry is expanding at an unprecedented rate with more craft brewers joining this business segment every day. Along with this growth, there has also been an increase in serious injuries related to the brewing industry. This has not gone unnoticed by OSHA – even to the extent that OSHA has created “Emphasis Programs” in some states (such as Colorado) to give “extra attention” to craft brewers. Come join Mark Jaeggi, a certified safety professional with over 36 years of experience as he discusses the regulatory requirements of Confined Space Entry. Mark will explain how this regulation applies to the Brewing Industry, how to develop a written program and training to comply with the OSHA requirements, and additionally, provide free resources that craft brewers can access for template programs that can be easily modified to fit their specific brewery needs. Use this hour to hear Mark explain the regulation, and for you to ask specific questions, concerning your brewery operations.

About the Presenter

Mark Jaeggi

Mark Jaeggi
Sabhailteacht Solutions, LLC​

Mark Jaeggi received his undergraduate degree from the University of Dubuque (Iowa). He was a double major – Occupational Safety & Health and General Science with an emphasis in chemistry. Mark received his graduate degree in Safety from the University of Southern California and is also a Certified Safety Professional.

Mark started his safety career in 1982 in​ the solid rocket propellants industry working in the missile and space programs. From explosives and rocket propellants, Mark moved to the chemical industry until 1990 where he started his career with Anheuser-Busch working in the St. Louis flagship brewery for 10 years. In 2000, Mark accepted a corporate position as the Global Safety and Risk Director for Brewing operations. Mark had responsibility for 12 brewery’s in the US, 14 in China and 1 in England. In November of 2011 Mark retired from Anheuser-Busch InBev.

Mark now keeps busy with his safety consulting company, working with the MBAA’s National Safety Committee, teaching brewing industry safety classes for the MBAA, speaking at numerous State Brewer Guilds on brewing safety, the World Brewing Congress, and working with numerous craft brewers to ensure they have safe and efficient operations.​​
