​​​​​​​​​​​​​Brewing with Honey | Master Brewers Webinar​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Broadcast Date: September 3, 2020

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Webinar Summary

From the honey bee to the beer bottle, this educational session traces honey's origins and sues in brewing as a flavor, functional ingredient, and marketing tool. During this session, you'll learn about honey bees, honey's chemical composition, and its impact on beer based on where honey is added in the brewing process.

About the Presenters

Keith Seiz
National Honey Board

For the last nine years, Keith Seiz has traveled the country educating brewers about honey and its many uses in beer. It's his passion and one that has him working with beers and beers, two of his favorite things. Before working for the National Honey Board, Keith served as editor and associate publisher of a trade publication that covered the wholesale baking industry.

Alison Wuebbels
National Honey Board

Alison Wuebbels joined the National Honey Board’s Ingredient Marketing Team in 2016. She enjoys her time traveling the country educating food and beverage manufacturers about using honey and is always ready to conduct a honey tasting or talk about her favorite furry little friends, honey bees. Before working for the National Honey Board, Alison worked in public relations and marketing, but she finds that talking about honey is a pretty sweet gig.