Broadcast Date: September 19, 2022
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Webinar Summary
Automated cell counting capabilities require high initial investments (at or above $5k), steep recurring materials costs for proprietary slides, and/or software subscription charges. This webinar will introduce Cellpose 2.0 as an alternative to currently available instrumental cell counting technologies. Created in 2022 by researchers at the Janelia Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cellpose 2.0 is an open-source cellular segmentation algorithm that builds upon the original (Cellpose 1.0) by implementing a human-in-the-loop approach to develop specialist detection models of cell boundaries. This implementation allows microbiologists to define their own algorithms using uniquely generated datasets, including yeasts. Usage of this software can allow brewing laboratories to quickly and consistently perform yeast cell counts at a variety of dilution ratios, eliminating human counting error and reducing potential eye strain.
Attendees will:
Introduce the concept of Cellpose 2.0 and very briefly explain the principles of a neural network. An overview of the layout and usage of Cellpose will be provided, as well as data validating the use of Cellpose collected at Pryes Brewing.
Will be able to install and run Cellpose in their laboratories to begin collecting data and "outsourcing" cell counts to the software. Attendees will be aware of the potential sources of error in utilizing Cellpose and will be provided tips to mitigate and account for those errors.
Understand the basic Cellpose-assisted cell count workflow using a camera-equipped microscope and a traditional hemocytometer.
Able to explain the general concepts of a neural network and the benefits of implementing a human-in-the-loop algorithm over conventional human-based cell counting.
Communicate the cost savings and improved consistency achieved by implementing Cellpose in their cell counting workflow.
Austin Patterson
Pryes Brewing Company
| Austin Patterson is the Quality Lab Scientist at Pryes Brewing Company in Minneapolis, MN. He holds a bachelor's degree in Chemistry with a concentration in Fermentation Sciences from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. Austin's professional experience has focused on laboratory and quality program development at small-to-medium-sized craft breweries, with a short stint in the pharmaceutical industry. His specialties include assay development, method validation, and data analysis in addition to general laboratory techniques. Though still young in his career, Austin possesses an innate curiosity for the art and science of brewing and is passionate about beer quality. He is currently pursuing research funding to study novel detection capabilities of diastatic yeasts and aspires to work at a University or Research lab in the future. When not in the lab staring at spreadsheets, Austin enjoys spending his free time on backpacking trails, in the garden, or in his basement playing drums.