19. Influence of time, temperature, and hop oil content on aroma extraction during dry-hopping
Sebastian Hinz (1),
Tobias Becher (2), Christina Schoenberger (1), Sarah Thörner (3); (1)
Barth Haas Group, Nuremberg, Germany; (2) Ziemann International,
Germany; (3) VLB Berlin, Germany
Technical Session 6: Hops I
Sunday, August 14 • 3:30–5:15 p.m.
Plaza Building, Concourse Level, Governor’s Square 15
Dry-hopping is done by all craft brewers. Still, scientifically a lot
of parameters have not been studied thoroughly so far. Currently a lot
of craft brewers use hopping rates up to various kg/hL for maximum hop
flavor. In small-scale dry-hop experiments we investigated how the
duration, the temperature and the hop oil content itself in hop pellets
influences the extraction of the most known aroma components. These
findings will help to increase the efficiency of current popular
dry-hopping procedures.
Sebastian Hinz graduated in brewing and beverage technology from
Weihenstephan (Fachhochschule) in 2015. In October 2015 he joined the
technical team of the Barth-Haas Group as a technical sales trainee. He
has been with the Barth Haas Group as an intern during his studies for 2
years. In this time he managed the pilot brewery ABC in Nuremburg and
led the internal taste panel. His current projects are focusing on hop
aroma transfer during dry-hopping.
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