Jason Fox (1); (1) ClearCove, Inc., Victor, NY, U.S.A.
One of the greatest challenges facing brewers today is the treatment
and disposal of their wastewater. Municipalities often impose surcharges
based on the organics load a brewery discharges into the sewer, which
can represent a significant financial burden. With the aging
infrastructure and increasing impact on existing municipal WWTPs, it is
likely these surcharges will continue and potentially increase.
Conventional activated sludge treatment traditionally utilized is
expensive, consumes a great deal of energy, and requires a high degree
of operations and maintenance. Brewery wastewater has a wide pH range,
changes in temperature and inconsistent organic loading. These factors
often upset bug populations in activated sludge systems, thereby
lowering the removal rates of the treatment system. To address this
challenge, ClearCove has developed a game-changing patent-pending
technology solution that removes the majority of organics from the
wastewater prior to being discharged into the sewer or environment. This
new technology significantly reduces or eliminates municipal sewer
surcharges and removes enough organic material to meet EPA permit limits
for environmental discharge. The ClearCove ClearCapture solution is a
physical/chemical process that simply and reliably removes the majority
of solids (TSS) and organics (BOD) from the wastewater without relying
on bugs that can be easily disrupted. The ClearCapture: Pure solution
can remove up to 95% of the BOD and 99.9% of the TSS, producing reuse
quality water for non-potable applications, such as cleaning water or
irrigation by utilizing state-of-the-art membrane technology. This
presentation will cover an introduction to the technology, as well as
performance results of pilot tests conducted at Genesee Brewing Co. and
Three Brothers Wineries and Estates, one of the largest wineries in the
Finger Lakes.
Jason Fox has 15 years of professional brewing experience, in
addition to several years experience overseeing production in a
medium-sized food manufacturing plant. He operated an aerobic treatment
system while at the brewery and worked directly with the wastewater
treatment plant operator at the food plant. He is now the technology
solutions manager for food and beverage at ClearCove
(www.ClearCoveSystems.com). ClearCove’s industry-leading, patented
technology transforms the economics of brewery wastewater operations.
Jason has spoken at MBAA conferences, as well as the Great Lakes Water
Conservation conference on the topic of brewery wastewater treatment.