John Brauer (1); (1) The Brewers of Europe, Brussels, Belgium
EBC Symposium
Monday, August 15 • 8:15 – 9:30 a.m.
Plaza Buiding, Concourse Level, Governor's Square 14
The European Brewery Convention (EBC) merged with The Brewers of
Europe, the Brussels-based umbrella organization representing 28
national brewing trade associations throughout Europe, in 2008. The
period spanning 2009 to 2011 was dedicated to the first phase of review
of the EBC, marked by a pooling of resources to support the brewing
sector throughout the various countries both within the European Union
and associated states, to setting up sound governance structures within
the remit of its definition as the “scientific and technical arm of The
Brewers of Europe.” In 2015 it was decided to enter into a review of the
EBC’s structures and activities, and the latest developments that are
of interest to both internal, as well as external, stakeholders will be
reported on. The second part of the presentation will be dedicated to
the Gushing Project, a study at VLB jointly financed by EBC and its
sister organization, Euromalt. The study was started in 2012 to address
the lack of solid analytical evidence for gushing causative factors. In
phase I, a study combining MALDI-TOF analysis of numerous
gushing-positive and gushing-negative samples, combined with sizeable
computing power, has resulted in a number of trends emerging. Phase II
has seen the validation of analytical procedures that may result in the
next-generation screening tests for gushing-positive samples.
John M. Brauer, born in 1961 in Johannesburg, South Africa, is the
EBC executive officer at the Brewers of Europe in Brussels.
Instrumental in taking the EBC through the merger phase with the Brewers
of Europe and being in charge of EBC committees and events (EBC
symposia and congresses), he has been with the brewing industry since
1990, starting his career as a raw materials analyst and later a
research scientist at the South African Breweries. From 1997 to 1999 he
led the supervision and coordination of technical training standards at
SAB Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2000, John has worked in the
United Kingdom as a brewing specialist and general project manager at
Campden BRI. He holds an M.S. degree in marine science from the
University of Cape Town and a Dipl. Brew. (J.S. Ford Award 1994,
Institute of Brewing and Distilling, London). He has recently been
conferred knighthood of the Brewers’ Mash Staff (Chevalerie du Fourquet
des Brasseurs).
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