​Equipment/System Maintenance Costs: Case Study from the 2018 Master Brewers Brewery Engineering and Utilities Course

MBAA TQ https://doi.org/10.1094/TQ-56-2-0506-01 | VIEW ARTICLE
Rick DeBar (1), Jimmy Loughran (2), Drew Martinez (3), David Smith (4), and Darren Goodlin (5). 1. Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, NY, U.S.A. 2. Smartmouth Brewing Co., Norfolk, VA, U.S.A. 3. Sleeping Giant Brewing Co., Denver, CO, U.S.A. 4. Molson Coors, Toronto, ON, Canada. 5. Course Director; Goodlin Process Solutions LLC, Mascoutah, IL, U.S.A.
This case study is from the 2018 Brewery Engineering and Utilities course. On the first day of class, different engineering-based questions are posed to each student group, and on the final day the groups present their findings. The idea is to dig deep while using the teachings of the class. This case study had the following prompt: "You have just been promoted to head of brewery maintenance. As the brewery equipment ages, the costs of keeping the brewing equipment operating and the amount of downtime appear to increase year over year. Explain what approach you would take to identify, measure, and verify year-over-year changes. What recommendations would you implement to reduce overall maintenance costs while ensuring the equipment is capable and available when needed? Why and how would your recommended changes remain sustainable year after year?" The case study explains how properly organized maintenance can save the brewery time and money and can improve employee morale. Improved tracking can help you plan effective maintenance and show your management team the cost benefits. Documentation is key.