Reay Dicks. Briggs of Burton, Inc., Pittsford, NY 14534, U.S.A.
A new brewery project involves several specific disciplines
to design, build, and install specialist process equipment in a new or existing
building. This requires communication, coordination, and cooperation between
the brewery project team and the main contractor(s) fulfilling the process
engineering and civil, structural, and architectural engineering roles to
safely come together to realize the project. This article focusses on the
construction and commissioning stages of a brewery project from the perspective
of a main contractor. These are both crucial stages of the project life cycle
and invariably create health and safety risks, which need to be managed and
mitigated by competent and safety-conscious teams. The goal of the article is
to raise awareness of best practices around health and safety during
construction and commissioning by offering some practical considerations to the
reader to contemplate for their next brewery project.