MBAA Annual Conference

Thank you for helping to make this year's conference a success!

Plan now to join us for the 2015 MBAA Annual Conference, October 7–10 in Jacksonville, Florida.

June 5-7 - Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A

The Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are co-locating this year in Chicago, Illinois, to hold Brewing Summit 2014. Just as in 2010, the Brewing Summit will feature the MBAA Annual Conference, ASBC Annual Meeting, joint exhibition, and two days of shared programming during the event.

Brewing Summit 2014 (June 4-7)

MBAA Annual Conference: June 5-7
ASBC Annual Meeting: June 4-6
Joint exhibition and shared programming: June 5-6


Conference Proceedings Now Available​

If you purchased the Annual Conference Proceedings, they are now available. Log in to download presentations from technical sessions, poster sessions, workshops, and more. If you would like to purchase access to the proceedings, they are also available for purchase in the MBAA store.

Thank You to All Volunteers and Sponsors!

Thank you again to all volunteers, sponsors, beer donors, and members who made the Brewing Summit a success!