June 5-7, 2014 - Palmer House, Chicago, IL

The Master Brewers Association of the Americas has been providing technical leadership for
the brewing industry for 125 years. One of the primary activities to
facilitate an exchange of knowledge and ideas is the MBAA Annual
This year, MBAA will be joing with ASBC to bring you Brewing Summit 2014.
What is the MBAA Annual Conference?
The MBAA Annual Conference is the perfect opportunity to learn and network. It provides you the chance to come together, network with your peers, discuss critical issues in brewing, discover the methods of others, and get to know your colleagues. It is your link to the latest technological developments. Discover unsurpassed
educational opportunities and some of the greatest brewers from around
the world. Get inspired by a mix of practical workshops and
ground-breaking papers, all while sampling the latest brews!
What is Brewing Summit 2014?
This year, the MBAA Annual Conference will share space with the American Society of Brewing Chemists to bring you more programming, more exhibits, and more chances to network with peers from around the world!
Come to the MBAA Annual Conference June 5-6 to experience shared programming and joint exhibition. Then, the MBAA Annual Conference will conclude on June 7.