Frances Tietje-Wang (1), Wesley Deal (2), and Matt Linske (3). 1. Fermly, Denver, CO, USA. 2. Barrel Brothers Brewing Company, Windsor, CA, USA. 3. Brewing & Distilling Analytical Services, Denver, CO, USA
This study delves into pasteurization’s historical and contemporary significance, specifically dispelling myths about tunnel pasteurization. It investigates the intricate balance between microbiological protection and sensory experience in heat-treated beverages. The study elucidates the multifaceted effects of pasteurization on biological and chemical aspects by analyzing fermentation, microbial presence, plating, and sensory evaluations. Key findings include the impact of pasteurization on alcohol content, bitterness, pH, and microbial viability. The research underscores the importance of tailored pasteurization methods, as generic approaches may compromise flavor compounds and brand standards. Despite its distinct effects on chemical profiles, the efficacy of tunnel pasteurization in microbial control is highlighted. Ultimately, the study offers insights into the complex interplay of pasteurization on microbiological, chemical, and sensory levels.