MBAA TQ Vol. 61, No. 3​, 2024​​

​MBAA T​Q vol. 61, no. ​3, 2024,​ pp. 59-65
A Study of Biogenic Amines in Sour Beer Production​
Molly Browning (1), Eric Abbott (1), Bailey Carignan (2), Avi Shayevitz (1), Gianmaria Ricciardi (1), Didier Theodore (1), and Claire Corrignan (3). 1. Lallemand Inc., 6100 Royalmount Ave, Montreal, QC H4P 2R2, Canada. 2. Mascoma, LLC, 67 Etna Rd, #200, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA. 3. French Institute of Beverage and Malting, IFBM, 7 Rue du Bois de la Champelle, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France​

MBAA T​Q vol. 61, no. ​3, 2024,​ pp. 66-68
Unconscious Bias in the Brewery and a New Method to Minimize Its Impact​
Frances Tietje-Wang (1) and Christian J. Mercado Acevedo (2). 1. Fermly, Denver, CO, USA. 2. F&B Consultant, Caldamentum, Ithaca, NY, USA​

MBAA T​Q vol. 61, no. ​3, 2024,​ pp. 69-74
Unexpected Effects of Commercial β​-Glucosidase Add​ition to Mash and Fermenting Beers
Michael Brandt, Connor Dolan, Alec VandenHeuvel, and Scott C. Bailey-Hartsel. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI, USA

MBAA T​Q vol. 61, no. ​3, 2024,​ pp. 75-81
Wooden Vessel Maintenance for Brewers​
Peter Bouckaert. Owner/Brewmaster, Purpose Brewing and Cellars, Fort Collins, CO, USA

MBAA T​Q vol. 61, no. ​3, 2024,​ pp. 82-84
Looking at Hop Sustainability—An Interview with Alicia Adler, Director of the Hop Research Council​
Stan Hieronymus. MBAA Editorial and Publications Committee​